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Cite: Bartosz Wieczorek, Wokół religii mediów, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2012( 11) nr 4, s. 18-31.
DOI: 10.21697/kmt.11.2
The purpose of this article is to describe the phenomenon of „religion of the media”, a presentation of various issues related to it and to present the most important aspects of research of this phenomenon. The article begins with a description of attempts to create a variety of substitutes of religion in modern times, which suppose to provide the society, in which Christianity ceases to be a religion that regulates individual and social life, with a sense of identity. Furthermore, it is shown how religion has survived and evolved in modern times, and how we can still talk about her strong, but hidden impact. An example of such impact is television with its function of „ontological security”. It gives the modern man rooting in reality, explains the world to him, makes the structuring of time, teaches to endure difficult experiences, brings comfort, protects against loneliness. The outlined research perspectives show the need for „religion of the media” research by the visual theology.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7724-5821
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