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Keywords: christianity catechesis church-state art signs of the Church

KMT 2021 nr 1 Download PDF

Fr Marian Rusecki’s apology of the Church. Outline of the issues

Cite: , Ks. Mariana Ruseckiego apologia Kościoła. Zarys problematyki, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 44) nr 1, s. 24-41.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.44.2

The apology of the Church must begin with a reminder of its two-dimensionality. Prof. Marian Rusecki proposes to do this by using the theory of the sign, which better reflects the understanding of a holly community. Concerting only on a natural element, it is impossible to grasp the essence. Likewise, little can be done by the achievements of culture (works of art), if the viewer remains on the admiration for the visible. Only faith makes it possible to read the deep intentions of artists who want to bring God closer to the recipient in their work. The great professor of the Lublin school of fundamental theology creates concepts of signs of the Church’s credibility, which better than notes allow us to grasp the current reality of Ecclesia. Moreover, he refers to current issues in the life of the Church, such as: the place of Christianity in the state and the controversies surrounding catechesis in the public school. The author of the article tries to outline the key elements of the Church’s apology by Prof. Marian Rusecki.

About authors

Wojciech Prawda

ORCID: 0000-0001-9843-105X


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