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Keywords: Middle East God Egypt dialogue globalization communicative intention islam communication muslim psychology religion

KMT 2017 nr 2 Download PDF

Aldona Piwko

Nonverbal communication on the Arab Middle East.

Cite: Aldona Piwko, Komunikacja niewerbalna na arabskim Bliskim Wschodzie, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2017( 29) nr 2, s. 145-157.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.29.10

The article is to analyze nonverbal communication, which is used by mainly Muslim Arabs of the Middle East. Religion has a special significance in intercultural relations, as it clearly shows the significant differences in the relationships with partners representing different habits. The Arabs are a diverse group, which is characterized by certain common elements of cultural and religious. Intercultural communication brings with it difficulties due to many differences, which are prejudices, stereotypes, erroneous interpretations of nonverbal communications, language problems and highlighting the similarities instead of the differences in society. The primary obstacle to prevent the conduct of proper communication are prejudices, and therefore a negative judgment against a person or group, without personal experience. In addition, it is also problematic inappropriate perception differed cultural reality. Man has a natural tendency, judging by the ambient standards and criteria specific native culture, thereby recognizing these standards as applicable to all people in the world.

About authors

dr hab. Aldona Piwko

ORCID: (nieznany)


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