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Keywords: Fakt Super Express Image daily masculinity press tabloid

KMT 2019 nr 2 Download PDF

Creating the image of a man in the “Super Express” and “Fakt” dailies in the years 2015-2017 in the context of media social responsibility

Cite: , Kreowanie wizerunku mężczyzny w dziennikach prasowych „Super Express” i „Fakt” w latach 2015-2017 w kontekście odpowiedzialności społecznej mediów, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2019( 37) nr 2, s. 38-68.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.37.3

This article addresses the issue of creating an image of man in press dailies. It is based on studying cover pages including images of men published by “Super Express” and “Fakt” in the 2015-2017. Both dailies are characterized in line with media typology. In the article the issue of media image is discussed, then the empirical research conclusions are presented.

About authors

Jan Maliszewski

ORCID: (nieznany)


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