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Keywords: fitness coronavirus crisis public relations

KMT 2022 nr 2 Download PDF

Communication and the role of PR in the crisis – strategies and reactions in the fitness industry

Cite: , Komunikacja i rola PR w kryzysie – strategie i reakcje branży fitness, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2022( 50) nr 2, s. 197-219.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.50.10

The year 2020 in many areas of life in Poland was marked by various crises, caused by the coronavirus pandemic. One of the industries that was banned was the fitness industry in its broadest sense. The fitness and physical activity sector was one of the first to be restricted and was kept under the regime for the longest time. The article discusses the course of this crisis, an attempt is made to characterise and classify it appropriately, and ways of dealing with it are described with examples. In some cases it required the implementation of previously untried solutions, rapid adaptation of strategies or even changing the specifics of individual clubs. It turns out that in most cases the problem was underestimated and hardly any enterprise foresaw the scale and development of the event.

About authors

Przemysław Szews

ORCID: 0000-0002-0949-3097


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