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Keywords: futuristic decadence disaster narration postmodernism identity

KMT 2020 nr 4 Download PDF

Disaster in a postmodern story – audiovisual illustrations of futuristic decadence

Cite: , Katastrofa w ponowoczesnej opowieści – audiowizualne ilustracje futurystycznej dekadencji, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2020( 43) nr 4, s. 8-27.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.43.1

The author of the article aims to discover, name, and diagnose various forms of disaster in the audovisual culture. She analyses these in relation to the state of a “futuristic decadence” – as she calles it. The context of her thoughts is built of the perplexing narrative identity of the contemporary man in face of the widespread postmodern attitude with the parallel development of new technologies. In order to achive the abovementioned goal, she chooses to analyze the Joker movie, the Miracle Workers tv series, and the following miniseries: Chernobyl and Childhood’s End.

About authors

Aleksandra Binicewicz

ORCID: 0000-0003-4737-5451

assistant professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. Cultural scientist fascinated by the development of new media and their influence on social reality. Currently focused on the role of reflective education in the context of the above-mentioned impact. Author of a dissertation devoted to the issue of privacy in the face of technological development, as well as a monograph on the identity, memory and contemporaneity of the Polish-German borderland (Contemporary Identity and Memory in the Borderlands of Poland and Germany).

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