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Keywords: Webdoc digital literacy education digital literacy

KMT 2019 nr 1 Download PDF

Interactive documentary, a new transmedia format with educational purposes. Pilot study through Las Sinsombrero Webdoc

Cite: , El documental interactivo, un nuevo formato transmedia con fines educativos. Estudio piloto a través del Webdoc Las Sinsombrero, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2019( 36) nr 1, s. 8-29.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.36.1

This article approaches the concept of educational technological innovation and also the idea of students’ involvement in using new technologies regarding the teaching use of a digital interactive documentary (Webdoc). In order to do so, a pilot study was conducted involving high school students from Salamanca (Spain), with the aim to analyse from a quantitative and qualitative perpective the use of the Webdoc Las SinSombrero, as an example of a digital educational tool; and checking to what extent their use promotes the student’s involvement in the learning process, compared to the use of traditional educational. The results show that students positively value using the Webdoc, stressing the interaction- participation that multi-hipermedia contents allow compared to the mentioned traditional resources. Also, it is especially relevant the fact that many students consider the Webdoc as a supplementary tool to go with the teacher’s lecture, which they value as basic and irreplaceable.

About authors

Lucía Jiménez Iglesias

ORCID: 0000-0001-8831-8600

Adriana Paíno Ambrosio

ORCID: 0000-0003-3817-6071

Isabel Rodríguez Fidalgo

ORCID: 0000-0001-5167-0272

Yanira Ruiz Paz

ORCID: 0000-0002-1848-5662


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