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Keywords: Journalism TVP new media social media

KMT 2021 nr 2 Download PDF

The journalism of TVP SA and technological transformation-qualitative research

Cite: , Dziennikarstwo TVP SA a zmiana technologiczna – badania jakościowe dziennikarzy, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 45) nr 2, s. 115-138.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.45.5

This paper discusses the problem of the impact of new technologies on the journalistic practice at TVP SA. The main aim of the study is to present how the journalistic practice at TVP SA has been changing under the influence of technological development The central thesis of this paper is that the changes in the work of a TVP SA journalist related to the technological revolution were initiated by journalists and had no institutional support. Unstructured interviews (N = 20) were conducted with journalists of TVP SA to illustrate the thesis. The results of the research indicates the respondents work in a highly archaic structure. Moreover they are able to efficiently use new technologies. Journalists of the young and middle generation present higher new media competences. Technological transformation in TVP SA has been grassroots initiated by the journalists or the authorities of regional centers.

About authors

Agnieszka Węglińska

ORCID: 0000-0002-2573-5981


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