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Keywords: cyberbullying cyberbullying hating trolling trolling

KMT 2016 nr 2 Download PDF

Ewa Smerecka

Cyberbullying. A virtual tool of cyber violence

Cite: Ewa Smerecka, Cyberbullying. Wirtualne narzędzie realnej przemocy, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2016( 25) nr 2, s. 71-80.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.25.6

The use of the Internet has become popular in almost every social background what poses a risk of many threats. One of them is cyberbullying – a phenomenon particularly dangerous for children and teenagers. Poland is a country where a problem of cyber violence is still on quite a high level in comparison with other countries. Thus, it is crucial to define that phenomenon correctly, discuss its forms and show that it is much more dangerous in its effects than commonly understood threatening. Presenting the range of cyberbullying based on a research carried out among students in Polish schools proves the subject discussed is up-to-date. In the report I am also depicting effective ways of preventing cyber violence based, among others, on initiatives like Childnet or Safer Internet.

About authors

mgr Ewa Smerecka

ORCID: (nieznany)


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