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Keywords: alcoholism woman drunkenness

KMT 2020 nr 4 Download PDF

Baroque preacher Antoni Węgrzynowicz on drunkenness – cultural, sociological and psychological context

Cite: , Barokowy kaznodzieja Antoni Węgrzynowicz o pijaństwie – konteksty kulturowe, socjologiczne i psychologiczne, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2020( 43) nr 4, s. 28-48.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.43.2

The subject of the article are four sermons on drunkenness written by the baroque preacher Antoni Węgrzynowicz. The Franciscan described drunkenness not only in terms of moral categories. He noticed the influence of many factors on the emergence and persistence of addiction. He described the cultural (customs, gender), sociological (social position) and psychological (social relations, family relations) factors that contribute to the emergence of alcohol abuse and falling into alcohol addiction.

About authors

Magdalena Kuran

ORCID: 0000-0001-6815-0011

assistant professor at the Department of Polish Language and Literature Didactics at the University of Lodz. He is engaged in Old Polish preaching, including Jakub Wujek (Retoryka jako narzędzie perswazji w postyllografii polskiej XVI wieku (na przykładzie „Postylli katolicznej” Jakuba Wujka), Łódź 2007), Antoni Węgrzynowicz, Gabriel Zawieszka, Ignacy K. Herka.

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