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Keywords: Malina Prześluga
Cite: Marzenna Wiśniewska, Przepisywanie Genesis w najnowszym dramacie polskim dla dzieci i młodzieży, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2017( 31) nr 4, s. 80-92.
DOI: 10.21697/kmt.31.5
In the first decade of the 21st century, the “New Plays for Children and Young People” published several dramas rewriting Bible stories. The authors of the latest plays the Bible is interested as a source of history about the human condition and the inspiration to ask bold questions, express doubts, and tell alternative stories. This article is a study of two Polish dramas for young people, which create a new dramaturgical versions of the origins of the Genesis: The First Man of the World by Maria Wojtyszko and Nic, Dzika Mrówka, Adam and Ewa by Malina Prześluga. At the centre of the reflection is the analysis of dramaturgical strategies that the biblical tale is subjected to, such as: decomposition of narration, linguistic games or recontextualization of the ontological status and behaviour of protagonists, as well as modification of symbols and meanings. Although as a result of rewriting two analyzed dramas are far from the biblical benchmark, they contribute to refreshing the story and to renewing the relation between the Biblical text and the imagination of young people.
ORCID: 0000-0001-7126-2102
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