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Keywords: God clergy spirituality evangelization catechesis church sects community

KMT 2015 nr 3 Download PDF

Dariusz Żuk-Olszewski

"To Taste of God", or a Few Words about Risks of Postmodern, Emotional and Experiential Spirituality in the Catholic Charismatic Movement.

Cite: Dariusz Żuk-Olszewski, „Užiť si Boha“ alebo niekoľko viet o rizikách postmodernej zážitkovej religiozity v katolíckom charizmatickom hnutí, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2015( 22) nr 3, s. 124-136.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.22.8

A characteristic feature of the post-modern society is highlighting the crucial importance of the emotions and experiences in every field of human life. The sphere of spiritual life is not an exception. In the postmodern model of human perception, emotion and feeling become the only criterion by which the effectiveness and accuracy of the different projects of life are verified. Considering deeper, it turns out that emotionalism rejects the transcendence of God and often it degrades from the personal reasons for any creature to the role of positive emotions. This emotionalistic attitude towards life in the postmodern age contributes significantly in a number of negative trends in the development of society. The phenomenon of emotional experience is actually in some environments presented as a exclusive criterion for assessing the viability of the faith. It seems that postmodern religiosity of contemporary Christians of the West is often based on the false statement that „God exists when you feel Him. You have the right to ‚enjoy God‘.“ The author wants to present his view on the phenomenon of emotional experience in some religious practices in the environment of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal as a theologian who wants to see the problem from the perspective of Catholic orthodoxy and orthopraxis. The aim of the work is not to undermine the place of emotion in the spiritual life of a Christian, author wishes to draw attention to some negative trends which exist today in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and which can be regarded as dangerous.

About authors

Dr Dariusz Żuk-Olszewski

ORCID: (nieznany)


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