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Keywords: Jesus Christ celebration body docetism internet liturgy media participation

KMT 2022 nr 3 Download PDF

Active Participation in the Liturgy in a Digital World. A proposal of criteria for discernment

Cite: , Active Participation in the Liturgy in a Digital World. A proposal of criteria for discernment, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2022( 51) nr 3, s. 30-42.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.51.2

This article aims to shed new biblical and patristic light on the question of active participation in the liturgy in the context of new technologies. Beginning with the nature of God's revelation, the text presents its bodily form as manifested in Jesus Christ. The nature of the liturgical act, the body of which is an indispensable element, is also presented in this light. Following this criterion of the bodily form of revelation and celebration, the author presents an ancient struggle with docetism, which did not recognize the reality of the incarnation and presupposed the apparent appearance of the Son of God. Following this train of thought, the author asks whether the recognition of the virtual form of participation in the liturgy does not lead to virtual salvation, and thus are we not dealing with a hidden form of neo-docetism?

About authors

Sławomir Jeziorski

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

ORCID: 0000-0001-8710-5259

Catholic priest, graduated from the Pontifical University of John Paul II (2009) and has a doctorate in Liturgy from the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome (2017). He currently holds the position of Lecturer of Liturgy in the Major Priest Seminary of Rzeszow and the Catholic Academy in Warsaw (Collegium Bobolanum).

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