Strona archiwalna

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Keywords: alertness the journey presence discernment holiness

KMT 2020 nr 1 Download PDF

Holiness according to Pope Francis

Cite: , Świętość w ujęciu papieża Franciszka, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2020( 40) nr 1, s. 98-115.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.40.5

A calling to holiness is a very special invitation to participating in communion with God. Pope Francis, a successor of Saint Peter, invites each and everyone to the path of holiness. He shows that holiness is for everyone. The purpose of this study is to show holiness from the perspective of the Holy Father Pope Francis. According to him, holiness is realized in the every day. An expression of holiness are in particular Christ’s graces. The path of holiness is full of trust, staying awake and discernment of God’s Will. For Pope Francis holiness means presence. In this presence Holy Mary plays an important part.

About authors

Jacek Kiciński

ORCID: 0000-0002-9032-9584


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