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Keywords: Spain Polish literature non fiction cultural memory guidebook reportage cultural tourism

KMT 2020 nr 1 Download PDF

Three strategies of conceptualizing Spain in Polish 21st-century reportage. Modernization – memorization – myth

Cite: , Three strategies of conceptualizing Spain in Polish 21st-century reportage. Modernization – memorization – myth, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2020( 40) nr 1, s. 43-75.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.40.3

The article focuses on selected elements of the image of Spain created in Polish reportage texts in the recent years. The analytical material comprises three extensive on-fiction texts published as books: Pył z landrynek. Hiszpańskie feisty [Dust of Hard Candies. Spanish Fiestas] (2013) by Katarzyna Kobylarczyk, Barcelona stolica Polski [Barcelona, the Capital of Poland] (2016) by Ewa Wysocka, and Ludzie z Placu Słońca [People from the Square of the Sun] (2017) by Aleksandra Lipczak. The undertaken analysis of imaging strategies will be limited to three fields of interpretation concerning 1) modernization processes in Spain in the recent years 2) pragmatics and instrumentalization of Spanish memory cultures 3) Spanish culture of events and searching for sacrum in laicized modern times. The article will scrutinize how cultural travel may become an intellectual inspiration and an inspiration to develop one’s writing style in such non-fiction texts as reportage and travel guidebook.

About authors

Joanna Szydłowska

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

ORCID: 0000-0002-2038-2283


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