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Keywords: Family dysfunction children spouse parent parental responsibility

KMT 2019 nr 1 Download PDF

Stages of the development of the family and their meaning for procedural activities of the guardianship court in the executory proceedings

Cite: , Stadia rozwoju rodziny z osobą uzależnioną od alkoholu i ich znaczenie dla czynności procesowych sądu opiekuńczego w postępowaniu wykonawczym, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2019( 36) nr 1, s. 103-120.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.36.6

The family is community of persons connected with oneself with the marriage and parental relationship, and at the same time the social fundamental unit. Every of families in relations with the society surrounding her, as the larger community expects regarding and accepting the identity for her with everyone with customs adopted in it and the code of conduct. So that it is possible must fulfil the functions assigned by the society to her in accordance with his business. When he isn’t performing these functions if this is the case a dysfunction is happening. The realization of these functions in the main measuring cup depends on conducts of marital and parental adult family members which through the virtue of its association created frameworks for her. These attitudes differ depending on the stage of the development of the family, it is early, centre and final. The dysfunction is creating bright prospects of the annihilation early stage, when spouses are associating their hopes and prospects with the development of the family. Remaining stages of her development require giving hope and the awareness of these prospects.

About authors

Daniel Jakimiec

ORCID: 0000-0003-1014-5759


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