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Keywords: God Pope Francis Vatican richness spirituality church religion sacrum poorness community

KMT 2015 nr 4 Download PDF

Joanna Pyszna

The vow of poverty in the spirituality of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection.

Cite: Joanna Pyszna, Ślub ubóstwa w duchowości Zgromadzenia Sióstr Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2015( 23) nr 4, s. 26-42.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.23.2

In consideration of materialistic and hedonistic tendencies of the modern era religious people are expected to witness total dedication to God by renouncing temporal affairs as a sign of their love to the Creator and selection of the future goods. The aim of an article is to present the evangelical counsel of poverty in the spirituality of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection and a study of the issue in the theology context of consecrated life. A particular way of commitment to fulfill the evangelical counsels, modeled on Jesus Christ’s life and teaching, there are vows of chastity, poverty and obedience submitted by consecrated persons. The article underlines the vow of poverty and highlights both material and spiritual measure. The spiritual aspect is important mainly to the resurrection spirituality. It is expressed by evangelical radicalism, which features Mothers Founder’s life.

About authors

Mgr Joanna Pyszna

ORCID: 0000-0002-0870-6062

Wydział Teologiczny UKSW, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa

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