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Keywords: Family children children philosophy gender culture morality young people personalism psychology identity identity

KMT 2014 nr 3 Download PDF

Małgorzata Kunicka

Equality and Identity. In the Interest of (in)harmonious Child Development (part 1)

Cite: Małgorzata Kunicka, Równość i tożsamość. W trosce o (nie)harmonijny rozwój dziecka (cz. 1), "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2014( 18) nr 3, s. 117-130.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.18.7

Personal identity remains the dialectics of difference and identity since identification and differentiation are two poles of its construction process. Children find the answer to the question who they are by searching for their identity with reference to the group where they function as well as by experiencing the unity of their body and soul. An element of personal identity is gender identity, proper development of which – together with physiological course of psychosexual development – offers a possibility of undisturbed functioning of a child in adult life. For gender identification in childhood, it is a significant assumption, from the perspective of personalistic psychology, that the path to shaping the integral human identity leads through discovering and accepting of one's own reality.

About authors

Dr Małgorzata Kunicka

ORCID: (nieznany)

Adres korespondencyjny: Uniwersytet Szczeciński, Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Pedagogiki, Szczecin, ul. Ogińskiego 16/17, 71-431 Szczecin

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