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Na tej stronie znajdują się numery archiwalne kwartalnika od 1 (2010) do 53 (2023). Począwszy od numeru 54 kwartalnik znajduje się pod tym adresem.


Keywords: Absolute Bible God Social doctrine Family Vatican authority dialogue dialogue spirituality children children communicative intention catechesis woman communication conflict love morality masculinity young people responsibility attitude psychology relativism religion word identity community education

KMT 2017 nr 3 Download PDF

Jacek Śliwak

Religiosity and communication in marriage

Cite: Jacek Śliwak, Religijność a komunikacja w małżeństwie, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2017( 30) nr 3, s. 184-209.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.30.11

This paper concerns religiosity in reference to communication in marriage. The notion of religiosity was described with reference to the Multifunctional Model of Religiosity C-15. Communication in marriage was considered in the light of the structure proposed by Kaźmierczak and Plopa, what was operationalised in The Questionnaire of Communication in Marriage. 100 married people (50 women and 50 men) participated in the survey. The main hypothesis is that there is statistically significant correlation between central location of religiosity in the cognitive structure of personality and positive communication in marriage. The survey's results allowed to partially confirm the hypotheses.

About authors

mgr Urszula Piaszczak

ORCID: (nieznany)

mgr Dominika Zarosińska

ORCID: (nieznany)

dr Beata Zarzycka

ORCID: (nieznany)

dr hab. Jacek Śliwak

ORCID: (nieznany)


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