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Keywords: Pope Francis John Paul II Pius IX Vatican Radio Vatican radio anniversary

KMT 2021 nr 4 Download PDF

Broadcasting and journalistic activity of the Vatican Radio Polish Section – an attempt to analysis

Cite: , Aktywność nadawcza i programowa Sekcji Polskiej Radia Watykańskiego – próba analizy, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 48) nr 4, s. 7-23.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.48.1

In February 2021, the Vatican Radio celebrated the 90th anniversary of the launch of its broadcasting activities. Established during the pontificate of Pope Pius XI, and with the active participation of one of the “fathers” of global radio broadcasting, Guglielmo Marconi, over the years of its activities, this institution has performed numerous important roles ranging from providing information to integrating a worldwide community. It is noteworthy, however, that it was not only a confessional radio, but also an important “voice” of the successors of its founder on Peter’s throne. The radio has served as a forum for discussions on matters of utmost importance in a number of languages, appealing to a large, international audience. One of these languages was Polish which formally appeared on the radio waves in 1938 when its Polish Section was established. This section pursued its activities (with a short pause in the first few years of the Second World War) in a diversified manner, from the perspective of the journalistic genres presented on the air, and with varied lengths of programmes. The section’s peak activity, as well as that of the entire radio, came during the pontificate of Pope-pilgrim John Paul II who particularly appreciated the role and importance of the media and journalists. An extensive reform of the Vatican media, initiated in 2015 by Pope Francis, reduced the independence, as well as the previously privileged position and significant role of the Vatican Radio, including its Polish Section, in the Vatican City State’s media landscape. However, the radio still functions, and, similarly as it has for many years, it is operated by the Jesuit Fathers, reaching out to its listeners with a predominantly religious content.

About authors

Janusz Włodzimierz Adamowski

ORCID: 0000-0002-0658-9683


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