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Keywords: Catholic Church Poland press

KMT 2022 nr 4 Download PDF

The Catholic Press in Poland (1918–1989). A Preliminary Study

Cite: , Prasa katolicka w Polsce (1918–1989). Rekonesans badawczy, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2022( 52) nr 4, s. 95-113.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.52.5

The article focuses on one of the most important and oldest media of the Church – the Catholic press. The aim of the study was to review the state of its development in Poland from the beginning of the Second Polish Republic to the democratic transformations of 1989. The issue is worth research interest due to the role played by the press in the context of changing social and political conditions. In the years 1918–1939, the development of Catholic magazines was favored, while in People’s Poland these periodicals were eliminated by the authorities from the publishing market. The issues raised so far have not aroused much interest of press scholars. The study was based mainly on press sources, available literature on the subject, bibliographic lists and catalogs of Polish digital libraries. The methods of analysis and criticism of the literature, media content analysis and press content analysis were used.

About authors

Evelina Kristanova

Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie

ORCID: 0000-0003-4935-7417


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