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Keywords: Paweł Kamza josephology apocryphal narrative saint Joseph

KMT 2021 nr 3 Download PDF

Looking for Joseph. On the image of the carpenter from Nazareth in the play The Shadow of Joseph. The contemporary apocryphan by Paweł Kamza

Cite: , Poszukując Józefa. O wizerunku cieśli z Nazaretu w dramacie Cień Józefa. Apokryf współczesny Pawła Kamzy, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 46) nr 3, s. 7-26.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.46.1

An interest in the figure of Saint Joseph has existed since the first centuries of Christianity, and the result of the earliest reflections on the person of Mary’s Bridegroom were numerous apocrypha that developed the biblical story. Cultural works dealing with the subject of josephology could be considered a contemporary continuation of those considerations. One of such works is the play entitled The Shadow of Joseph. The contemporary apocryphan by Paweł Kamza, on which this article is focused. The Author presents selected Josephological issues hidden in the analyzed work, confronts them with the teaching of the Catholic Church, taking into account both traditional and new approaches, as well as shows the role of contemporary apocryphal narratives in reflecting on issues that concern people of the 21st century.

About authors

Anastasiya Podlyuk

ORCID: 0000-0002-5562-3059


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