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Keywords: Pope Francis Twitter Vatican clergy spirituality hating internet church new media religion social media trolling trolling

KMT 2016 nr 2 Download PDF

Piotr Wajs

The phenomenon of hating and trolling on @ponfitex_pl. Analysis of tweets on the example of the Pope Francis account

Cite: Piotr Wajs, Zjawisko hejtingu i trollingu na @ponfitex_pl. Analiza tweetów na przykładzie profilu papieża Franciszka, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2016( 25) nr 2, s. 59-70.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.25.5

This article is the result of the research of comments and links posted at the entries Pope Francis put on @pontifex_pl from 01 Aug. 2015 to 30 Sept. 2015. Quantitative analysis of the comments concerns their distribution over that time and most intense commented topics. Qualitative analysis is intended to show the scale of trolling and hating which was posted under papal publications. Conclusions will show the ratio of haters’ and trollers’ comments in relation to all activities taken against papal entries. Due to the small scale of trolling and hating for all activities on @pontifex_pl one should not doubt that this communication channel is suitable for a substantial part of the public. Following the example of the Pope, bishops should be more closely involved in this model of preaching the Gospel. Tłum. Mariusz Szuster.

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mgr lic. Piotr Wajs

ORCID: (nieznany)


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