Na tej stronie znajdują się numery archiwalne kwartalnika od 1 (2010) do 53 (2023). Począwszy od numeru 54 kwartalnik znajduje się pod tym adresem.
Cite: , Obraz Polski i Polaków w europejskim dyskursie publicznym. Analiza wyników badań opinii publicznej i artykułówz prasy zachodniej w latach 2004–2017, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 47) nr 5, s. 180-217.
DOI: 10.21697/kmt.47.10
The concept of this paper is to present how Poland and the Polish people were perceived in the “old” EU countries prior to the Polish accession to European Union and how the Polish people were evaluated in the context of the “eastern enlargement.” The article is an attempt to answer whether the image of Poland has changed due to the inclusion of Poland in the European institutions, and to what extent, as well as how the 13 years in the EU structures have influenced the perception of our country, amongst both the EU political elites and ordinary citizens. The sources used include public opinion polls, both Polish and international, as well as articles, mainly from the English-language press.
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