Na tej stronie znajdują się numery archiwalne kwartalnika od 1 (2010) do 53 (2023). Począwszy od numeru 54 kwartalnik znajduje się pod tym adresem.
Cite: Agata Panas, Polak, czyli kto? Obraz Polaka na podstawie artykułów niemieckojęzycznych opublikowanych w tygodniku „Forum”, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2011( 5) nr 2, s. 9-20.
DOI: 10.21697/kmt.5.1
This article is a detailed analysis of articles published in weekly magazine “Forum” from January 2004 to February 2009. This scrutiny was a method to find main stereotypes about Poland and Poles. Thirty articles were examined and divided into three groups because they treated about three different issues. Those issues are politics, society and religion. After summing up, more than a half of German articles presented Poland in negative or very negative way. Main stereotypes, which appear in German press say that Poles take bribes, are old fashioned and clumsy. Positive features of Poles are hardly to find. The one which is emphasized the most is spirit of enterprise and wish to make career not only in Poland but also in Europe. Unfortunately, Polish men are still recognized in Germany as physical worker, mainly on constructions, and Polish woman as housewives.
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