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Keywords: Pierre Lhande Radio-Paris radio sermons preaching radio

KMT 2022 nr 2 Download PDF

A Pioneer of French radio preaching – Pierre Lhande SJ (1877–1957)

Cite: , Pionier francuskiego kaznodziejstwa radiowego – Pierre Lhande SJ (1877–1957), "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2022( 50) nr 2, s. 150-165.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.50.8

Pierre Lhande has become famous not only for his research on the Basque language and literature, his work in the editorial office of the “Études” monthly magazine in Paris and the ministry of workers in the suburbs of the French capital, but above all, as a pioneer of radio preaching in France. His sermons preached from 1927 to 1934 were a great success. This is confirmed by numerous correspondence and appreciative articles in the press. He was very passionate about radio as a new means of social communication. He expressed it many times in his sermons and writings. However, he never questioned traditional preaching, and considered it even more important. In his opinion, radio sermons complete this traditional message.

About authors

Maciej Radej

ORCID: 0000-0002-0127-7875


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