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Keywords: Poland clergy history church liturgy religion

KMT 2015 nr 3 Download PDF

Janusz Adam Frykowski

The History of the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin Mary Uniate Parish in Lykoszyn

Cite: Janusz Adam Frykowski, Z dziejów parafii unickiej p.w. Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Łykoszynie w świetle wizytacji kościelnych, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2015( 22) nr 3, s. 96-123.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.22.7

Lykoszyn is a tiny country village situated in the south- east corner of Lublin Province. Its roots date back to at least fifteenth century, when politically it belonged to the Duchy of Belz, which, in turn, was a constituent part of the Duchy of Masovia. After the first partition of Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth, Lykoszyn was annexed by the Habsburg Empire, then it became part of the Duchy of Warsaw and following the joint resolutions of the Congress of Vienna it was given to Russia. As the first Christianization of this land coincided with the expansion of Kievan Rus onto the headwaters of the Bug, the first parish established here was an Eastern Orthodox parish, which later became a Uniate parish. Originally, the parish constituted a one-village community of about 100 parishioners. This parish, like many other similar parishes, was granted some economic support as well as ecclesiastical utensils to conduct Uniate ceremonies and rites. The liturgical parements changed over the time and were supplemented throughout the existence of the parish. At the end of eighteenth century, due to the Josephine administrative reform imposed by the Habsburg Austria the parish in Lykoszyn was liquidated and incorporated into the Transfiguration of Our Lord Uniate parish in Nabroz, while the church in Lykoszyn was demoted to the rank of a branch Orthodox church. The parish functioned that way until the liquidation of the Union of Brest.

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Dr Janusz Adam Frykowski

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