Na tej stronie znajdują się numery archiwalne kwartalnika od 1 (2010) do 53 (2023). Począwszy od numeru 54 kwartalnik znajduje się pod tym adresem.
Keywords: mental well-being mental ruts ruminative thinking high-speed society narrative mode mindfulness
Cite: , O istocie uważności w nieuważnym świecie, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 47) nr 5, s. 166-179.
DOI: 10.21697/kmt.47.9
The article deals with issues related to the practice of mindfulness. The history of the models is presented, but the focus is on the importance of the process of correcting defects and thinking. The practice of mindfulness, understood as the process of accelerating out of negative mental ruts and the burden of ruminative thinking, has contributed to improving the quality of life and the overall general understanding of the well-being of individuals.
ORCID: 0000-0003-1245-5531
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