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Keywords: love pandemic solidarity faith

KMT 2021 nr 1 Download PDF

Love despite distance. Faith in times of pandemics

Cite: , Miłość mimo dystansu. Wiara w czasach pandemii, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 44) nr 1, s. 8-23.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.44.1

The article “Love despite distance. Faith in times of pandemics” consists of the following parts: 1. Introduction; 2. Pandemics and awareness of human interdependence; 3. Understanding human solidarity in Christ; 4. Love and justice; 5. Need for supportive love; 6. Alarming visions of human solidarity; 7. Conclusion. The author suggests reading Hymn about Chris (Col 1:15–20) in the context of ethical and moral challenges during the coronavirus pandemics. We present ethical guidelines derived from the statement “in Him all things were created”. This truth should lead Christians to practice supportive love towards those who are most disadvantaged and to evaluate social and systemic responses to the pandemics in light of their influence on the most vulnerable society members. The article points out the abuse of the rhetoric of sacrificial love (self-sacrifice) and warfare imagery.

About authors

Andrzej Perzyński

ORCID: 0000-0002-2955-0909


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