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Keywords: Journalism Gazeta Wyborcza Catholic Church Image coronavirus religion

KMT 2020 nr 4 Download PDF

The Catholic Church and the Catholic community on the „Gazeta Wyborcza” news website during the COVID-19 epidemic

Cite: , Kościół katolicki i jego społeczność na łamach serwisu internetowego „Gazety Wyborczej” podczas epidemii COVID-19, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2020( 43) nr 4, s. 65-87.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.43.4

The aim of the study was to determine the method of presenting topics related to the Catholic Church, and the community on the website of “Gazeta Wyborcza” during the COVID-19 pandemic, in the period from 14/01 to 10/10/2020. The research material contained 1,381 articles (5.65 percent of all COVID-19 news). On average, 5 texts on the research topic were published daily, the most (from 35 to 39) from March 12 to 15. The qualitative analysis showed that the examined topic was constantly present on, and it was treated mostly in a neutral manner. Informative texts on the limitations affecting the Catholic community, but also all readers, regardless of religion, dominated. The news was mostly local. The reportage texts concerned the aid actions for people who need support.

About authors

Krzysztof Flasiński

ORCID: 0000-0003-2977-2752

PhD in media and social communication, assistant professor at the Institute of Literature and New Media at the University of Szczecin. Earlier, a daily punishment in press and internet editorial offices. Research interests: the use of technologies related to big data in quantitative and qualitative analysis of mass media.

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