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Keywords: dialogue clergy evangelization hip-hop church culture subculture cultural participation

KMT 2014 nr 3 Download PDF

Paweł Bieńkowski

The Church and the hip-hop culture – from confrontation to conversion

Cite: Paweł Bieńkowski, Kościół i kultura hip-hopu – od konfrontacji do nawrócenia, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2014( 18) nr 3, s. 132-151.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.18.8

New ways of talking about the realities of faith require continuous deepening of reflection, taking care of keeping the essence of the changing external circumstances simultaneously. Popularizing the content of the Bible by using hip-hop music is becoming increasingly frequent form of evangelization. Such tendencies may result in shaping inconstant attitudes, in which the faith is becoming merely a kind of fad. Thus, hip-hop understood as music is deeper and deeper rooted in the reality of many young people. Conducted in a skilful way dialogue between culture and faith is a chance to rebuild often rashly neglected relationship between spiritual and secular space.

About authors

mgr Paweł Bieńkowski

ORCID: (nieznany)

Wydział Teologiczny UKSW, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa

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