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Keywords: Image crisis communication political communication media crisis corporate image personal image political image

KMT 2019 nr 4 Download PDF

Crisis communication and potential intensification of crisis

Cite: , Komunikacja kryzysowa jako czynnik rozwoju kryzysu, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2019( 39) nr 4, s. 8-31.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.39.1

The topic of this article is crisis communication in media and in politics. The author discusses the definitions of crisis and the rules of crisis communication, and then analyses several case studies of crisis communication when the crisis in not reduced but intensified. Six mistakes in crisis communication are analysed in the article: 1. Falsehood, 2. Missing the allegation, 3. Agression, 4. Lack of empathy, 5. Massage inconsistency, 6. Missing the expectations of the audience. In the last part of the article the author discusses the issue of creating effective crisis communication and its rules.

About authors

Marek Kochan

ORCID: 0000-0001-9502-6171


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