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Keywords: Language vocabulary language of media Polish language language skills language cultur language corectness

KMT 2018 nr 2 Download PDF

Linguistic skills of IEMiD students. A suggestion for modification of the curriculum

Cite: , Problem kompetencji językowych studentów IEMiD. Propozycja modyfikacji programu studiów, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2018( 33) nr 2, s. 64-77.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.33.3

The fluency in the Polish language is a pre-requisite for working as a journalist both in the printed media, TV and radio stations, electronic media and in public relations agencies. The following paper analyses the linguistic skills of the IEMiD students, with the analysis being based on three sources: reports issued by the IEMiD, the author`s own experiences in her job as a lecturer, and a language test taken by students. The paper suggests that linguistic skills be incorporated into the curriculum of the journalism studies by the means of introducing three new courses: 1. Text editing and shortening. Journalism techniques (BA studies). 2. How to be an efficient writer. A strategy for journalists (BA studies). 3. Narrative techniques. Writing techniques for writers and journalists (BA studies). The paper also suggests that a course pertaining to the religious vocabulary be incorporated into the curriculum of the BA studies.

About authors

dr Milena Kindziuk

ORCID: 0000-0001-5435-2907


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