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Keywords: Bible God Visual media interpretation church culture picture religion symbolics word

KMT 2015 nr 2 Download PDF

Dorota Muszytowska

Interpreting Text Throw Image: Role of Hermeneutics in Illustrating Christian Biblical Manuscripts

Cite: Dorota Muszytowska, Interpretacja tekstu w obrazie – rola hermeneutyki w ilustrowaniu chrześcijańskich manuskryptów biblijnych, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2015( 21) nr 2, s. 117-140.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.21.7

The article focuses on the issues related to illustrating biblical manuscripts in the Christian tradition. It states that various ways of illustrating of biblical codices are result of using the same hermeneutical assumptions that were applied in the interpretation of biblical text. This fact is derived from the coherent tradition of transmitting and interpreting sacred texts. The article indicates the important role of monastic communities in the transmission and imagining of biblical manuscripts. The second part explains the main currents of Christian biblical hermeneutics that had an impact on the ways of depicting of biblical codices. The next step is to show the origin and the main phases of imaging of biblical manuscripts. The last part of the article is dedicated to give examples of literal, allegorical and typological hermeneutics in illustrating biblical codices.

About authors

Dr Dorota Muszytowska

ORCID: (nieznany)

Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych UKSW, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa

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