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Keywords: sacrum
Cite: Katarzyna Flader-Rzeszowska, Strategie komunikowania sacrum w spektaklu „Studium o Hamletach” Teatru Chorea, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2017( 31) nr 4, s. 58-79.
DOI: 10.21697/kmt.31.4
A Study on Hamlets, directed by T. Rodowicz and W. Raźniak, makes use of different strategies for communicating the sacred. It shows the sacred as decontextualized, brought out of the temple and treated like a gadget, an attractive item for sale for a modern consumer. According to the creators of A Study on Hamlets, the signs and sacred symbols are increasingly only a hollow form, simulacra without reference. Also, the production shows the infringed sacredness of death. Coffins-outdoor toilets, careless washing of dead bodies, mass graves or summary exhumations desecrate death, take away its profundity and grandeur. In the Raźniak’s and Rodowicz’s vision, religious symbols are dying, since their relationship with the group for which they mean anything has come to an end. In the world of the dissipating sacred, only songs have the power to save, telling about the most difficult things, upholding the distinction into the sacred and the lay.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4110-9788
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