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Keywords: culture media science postmodernism cultural participation

KMT 2012 nr 1 Download PDF

Agnieszka Jęczeń

Aesthetisation in Contemporary Culture as Search of Sense

Cite: Agnieszka Jęczeń, Estetyzacja w kulturze współczesnej jako poszukiwanie sensu, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2012( 8) nr 1, s. 8-18.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.8.1

In this paper I'll analyse contemporary cultural phenomenons from sphere of body, tourism, nature, consumption and media which constitutes contemporary phenomenon of aesthetisation. Using of philosophical and axiological conceptions about aesthetisation I describe mechanisms of acting her in sphere of praxis. Processes of aesthetisation intensyfing in contemporary culture render about search of sense by people, about craving of advancement of reality, about pursuit to filling of spiritual emptiness which cannot fill technological and civilization changes. Anyway in postmodern arise original projects of aesthetisation which touch each field of life now. Condition of contemporary man requests be described. These man meets new aesthetic forms, qualities and events.

About authors

Agnieszka Jęczeń

ORCID: (nieznany)


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