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Keywords: Media literacy France media competences

KMT 2020 nr 1 Download PDF

Media education in France

Cite: , Edukacja medialna we Francji, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2020( 40) nr 1, s. 27-41.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.40.2

Media education is an important point of school and lifelong education. As a result of the analysis of the literature related to media education in France, one can speak about the expanded vision and activities regarding the implementation of media education in France. From the practical point of view, however, it should be noted that, as in Poland, there are problems with its assessment, as it is implemented in many subjects. Attention should be paid to the perception of media education in France as future education, as well as problems that digest its interior, such as uneven access to education, communication and cultural problems caused by the inflow of emigrants to large agglomerations in France, as well as secondary illiteracy of some of the potential recipients of media education. Among the discussions there are also questions regarding the consumption of the media, mainly the Internet. The problem is also the fact that the technical skills of young people being part of French society will exceed the understanding of the art of using media, which reminds us very much and the problem of Poland in this context.

About authors

Renata Matusiak

ORCID: 0000-0001-7035-4443


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