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Keywords: cultural animation ethnography cultural policy craft local society art

KMT 2021 nr 4 Download PDF

Rzeźbienie siebie poprzez uczestnictwo w projektach sztuki wśród społeczności lokalnych

Cite: , Crafting the Self Through Participation in Community Art Projects, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 48) nr 4, s. 327-343.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.48.14

In this article I will recall some of the arguments revising the nature of the relationship between individual and society. I will focus on the notion of personhood and discuss how it is being crafted through one’s participation in a community art project. I will explain what kind of values are transmitted under such circumstances. I will also discuss some of the practices of „dealing with objections” 1 as a way of managing the project. Here I will draw from my own fieldwork experience. As a part of my PhD research project I was personally involved in working in community art projects done in the rural areas of central Poland (2008–2010).

About authors

Weronika Plińska

ORCID: 0000-0001-5469-793X

born in 1983. Cultural anthropologist. Assistant Professor at the Fac ulty of Art, Pedagogical University of Cracow. In 2017 I defended my PhD thesis entitled Animating Local Communities Through Artistic Practices: an Anthropological Perspective at the University of Warsaw. Between 2015 and 2017 I was lecturing at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, UW. In 2010/2011 I did affiliate studies at Univer sity College London Department of Anthropology and School of Slavonic and East Euro pean Studies. In addition to numerous articles, I have authored the book: Sprawczość sz tuki (The Agency of Art, 2021).

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