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Keywords: Theology of communication media ecology communicative theology theology of media

KMT 2019 nr 3 Download PDF

Some past meetings of communication, theology, and media theology

Cite: , Some past meetings of communication, theology, and media theology, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2019( 38) nr 3, s. 25-46.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.38.2

The purpose of this article is to present selected links between communication, theology and media theology. It starts with a reference to the history of Christianity construed as a history of communication. Next, the article outlines the key teachings of the Church on communication and media, with special focus on the documents issued by the Second Vatican Council and the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. Media theology, communication theology are discussed based on the teachings of the Church as well as the subject literature. The article is to review the current state of research in this area; it aims to order the terminology and present the possible directions of further research concerning this topic, part of the social communication studies, media studies and theology.

About authors

Paul A. Soukup

ORCID: (nieznany)

has explored the connections between communication and theology since 1982. His publications in- clude “Communication and Theology” (1983); “Christian Communication: A Bibliograph- ical Survey” (1989), “Media, Culture, and Catholicism” (1996), “Mass Media and the Moral Imagination” with Philip J. Rossi (1994), and “Fidelity and Translation: Communicating the Bible in New Media with Robert Hodgson” (1999). In addition, he and Thomas J. Far- rell have edited four volumes of the collected works of Walter J. Ong, S.J., “Faith and Con- texts” (1992–1999). These volumes have led him to examine more closely how orality-lit- eracy studies can contribute to an understanding of theological expression. Most recently, he has published a book of Biblical meditations on communication, “Out of Eden: 7 Ways God Restores Blocked Communication” (2006) and edited a collection of essays applying “Ong’s thought, Of Ong & Media Ecology: Essays in Communication, Composition, and Lit- erary Studies” (2012). Fr. Soukup serves on the Boards of Trustees of the American Bible Society and of Loyola University of New Orleans. Contact:

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