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Keywords: God II Vatican Council spirituality evangelization church media science methodology theology of media community

KMT 2015 nr 1 Download PDF

Rev Dr Joseph Borg M.S.Th, PhD. MOM. & Rev. Dr Carl-Mario Sultana

Communicating faith through the legacy media. Theological reflections and pastoral implication

Cite: Rev Dr Joseph Borg M.S.Th, PhD. MOM. & Rev. Dr Carl-Mario Sultana, Communicating faith through the legacy media. Theological reflections and pastoral implication, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2015( 20) nr 1, s. 9-24.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.20.1

This paper is a reflection on the theological and pastoral implications of the communication of faith through the media. Its starting point is not based on the dichotomous categorisation of the media as either very beneficial, or very negative for the communication of faith; thus avoiding an either/or attitude which is very limiting. The hypothesis explored is that the language of faith is only communicated through the language of a medium and that such a translation, not to say incarnation, has to take into consideration the technological, organisational and cultural dimensions of the legacy or traditional media as well as their very important role in contemporary culture. The cultural and theological reflection will then be followed by the proposal of elements of a pastoral strategy that best respects the characteristics of faith and media as well as those of the audiences towards which both faith and media are directed.

About authors

Joseph Borg

ORCID: (nieznany)

Rev Dr Joseph Borg M.S.Th, PhD. MOM. read for his Masters in Theology at the University of Malta and for a post-graduate diploma in Communication Studies at Concordia University, Montreal. Canada, and for his PhD (by Publications) with the University of Bolton, England. Borg was the Archbishop's Delegate for Social Communication , Head of the Press Office of the Archdiocese, and the founder of the following Church media organisations: RTK radio, the Media Centre and the newspaper IL-GENS. Borg was the first chair of the Editorial Board of Public Broadcasting Services Ltd. He presented and produced several TV and radio programmes some of which are award winners. He drafted both the National Broadcasting Policy (2005) and the media policy of the Archdiocese of Malta. Borg is the editor of Campus FM and was the Audio-visual policy consultant of the Minister for Culture from 2001 to 2013. Borg is one of the promoters of the study of media education in Church schools. He lectures in the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences and the Faculty of Theology within the University of Malta and is the author of several books and a number of papers in different academic publications. Email address:

Carl-Mario Sultana

ORCID: (nieznany)

Rev. Dr Carl-Mario Sultana studied at the University of Malta, reading a B.A. (Gen.) in Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology, graduating in 1997; between 1998 and 2003, he studied Theology at the Faculty of Theology within the same university, graduating S.Th.B. in 2001 and S.Th.L in 2003. He pursued further studies at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome in 2003, where he read a Licentiate in Youth Ministry and Catechetics and a doctorate in the same area of study, defending his doctoral thesis in 2007. Sultana forms part of the Secretariat for Catechesis of the Archdiocese of Malta where he is responsible for the co-ordination of catechesis for Christian Initiation within the parishes. He is a member of the Équipe Européenne de Catéchese (EEC), the Association for Children Spirituality (IACS), and the European Society of Catholic Theologians (ESCT). Sultana is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta, and lectures within the Department of Arts and Languages in Education of the Faculty of Education of the University of Malta. Email address:

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