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Keywords: dialogue evangelization globalization consumerism culture supermarket identity

KMT 2021 nr 5 Download PDF

The Commercialisation of Contemporary Culture

Cite: , Komercjalizacja współczesnej kultury, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 47) nr 5, s. 111-124.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.47.6

Nowadays, consumption is becoming the actual state of culture, in which human activity is subordinated to the market. This process is sometimes referred to as the supermarketisation and commercialisation of culture. It is the transfer of behaviour patterns that are typical of economic relationships onto the cultural behaviours of people. The commercialisation of culture means guiding oneself in life by the criteria of trade, in which artistic goods and services are treated like commodities. From such a perspective, culture becomes a matter of taste, personal choice determined by nationality, wealth, social class, and education and is more and more strongly shaped by the market with all the resulting consequences.

About authors

o. dr hab. Witold Kawecki

ORCID: 0000-0002-8074-5859


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