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Keywords: evangelization catechesis social communication

KMT 2019 nr 4 Download PDF

Catechesis and new evangelization in the face of contemporary challenges of social communication

Cite: , Catechesis and new evangelization in the face of contemporary challenges of social communication, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2019( 39) nr 4, s. 137-158.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.39.7

The article is the outcome of pending research. It raises a broad and complex issue of new evangelization and catechesis in the face of contemporary challenges of social communication. Pursuant to the framework of a research project, this article juxtaposes Polish and Italian literature in recent years. The effect of the scientific research is presented in three points. The first one sets out contemporary challenges of social communication. The next one presents a contemporary illustration of evangelization and catechesis. The last one sets forth concrete rules and solutions. Amongst them we can list the following ones: appropriate order of ministry – catechesis should be preceded by evangelization; the whole work of the Church should have a positive message and lead to hope; preachers and religion teachers should be required to testify with authentic faith and dynamic engagement.

About authors

Tomasz Kopiczko

ORCID: 0000-0002-8000-6714


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