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Keywords: Balkan Bosnia and Herzegovina European Union communication politics

KMT 2021 nr 3 Download PDF

The influence of the politics of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s nations on intercultural communication in the state

Cite: , Wpływ polityki narodów Bośni i Hercegowiny na komunikację międzykulturową w państwie, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2021( 46) nr 3, s. 27-43.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.46.2

Bosnia, declared independence in March 1992, which was one of the reasons for the outbreak of a civil war classified as the most bloody conflict in Europe since the end of World War II. The war ended in 1995 with the signing of the peace treaty in Dayton under which Bosnia and Herzegovina became an independent country, divided into two parts: Republika Srpska (49% of the territory) and the Muslim-Croatian Federation (51% of the territory). In later years, the District of Brčko was established, which all three nations inhabit. The division has a negative impact not only on political stability in the state, but also on the whole of social life. It is also the direct cause of the slowing down of the Bosnian economy, which has not yet developed adequately. Considering the Slavic origin of all the nations that once inhabited Yugoslavia, it was established that its national culture is characterized by a large distance of power, a high degree of collectivism, dominant feminine values and a high level of risk avoidance. Religious diversity BiH (Bosnians – Islam, Serbs – Orthodoxy, Croats – Catholicism), significantly affects not only the national culture of BiH, but also degree of intercultural communication in the country.

About authors

Anetta Buras-Marciniak

ORCID: 0000-0003-2963-9265


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