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Keywords: 2019 Pope Francis Catholic Church Apostolic journeys internet mission new media influential news websites

KMT 2020 nr 3 Download PDF

Apostolic journeys of Pope Francis, including missionary ones, in the most important national websites (2019)

Cite: , Apostolische Auslandsreisen von Papst Franziskus, darunter Missionsreisen, in den wichtigsten nationalen Internetportalen (Jahr 2019), "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2020( 42) nr 3, s. 109-160.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.42.7

In its activity, the Church used and uses the media, not only those of Christian definitions, but also general (secular) ones. In history, along with technological development, these were first: magazines, radio, television, and later Internet media. The latter media effectively displace previously used traditional media and become a place of communication. The undertaken research analyzes the most important opinion forming portals in Poland with more than 5 million users (,,,, and in terms of publishing texts on seven foreign apostolic trips of Pope Francis, including missionary ones, in 2019. The number, quality, type and time of publication were examined, and pastoral conclusions regarding the presence of papal pilgrimages, including missionary and ecclesial activities in secular leading web portals. On this basis, the following research hypotheses were answered; it seems that the first: „The media in Poland properly inform about the foreign pilgrimages of Pope Francis (quantitatively and qualitatively)“ – is partly confirmed. Second: „Internet media do not inform about theological content and papal messages, but focus on less important but more effective events and topics“ – is unconfirmed; and the third: „The number of information and information on foreign pilgrimages is smaller“ – confirmed.

About authors

dr Marcin Wrzos

ORCID: 0000-0003-3513-0158


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