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Keywords: Journalism Facebook Twitter disinformation information internet manipulation new media social media virtual communities

KMT 2014 nr 3 Download PDF

Przemysław Szews

Social Networking Services as Source of Journalist Information – Problems and Hazards

Cite: Przemysław Szews, Serwisy społecznościowe jako źródło informacji dziennikarskiej – problemy i zagrożenia, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2014( 18) nr 3, s. 90-104.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.18.5

Facebook and Twitter have changed the way people communicate on the web. Apart from communication-related function, they are also informative. More and more information about what is going around the world gets across to their recipients via social networking services. These are not only an important source of information for journalists but also transmission and publication channel. Social media are employed in journalism, marketing and politics. However, information entered on Facebook or Twitter may easily be manipulated or simply be false. The so called dead souls, false accounts or algorithms controlling these services set the hierarchy of the events presented to the users according to a certain pattern and are only a fraction of hazards posed by those media. Though, they are indeed an abundant source of information and content carrier, one shall be critical when using them.

About authors

Przemysław Szews

ORCID: 0000-0002-0949-3097


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