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Keywords: hue colour functions colour culture

KMT 2011 nr 3 Download PDF

Krzysztof Jurek

The symbolic meaning and functions of the color in the culture

Cite: Krzysztof Jurek, Znaczenie symboliczne i funkcje koloru w kulturze, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2011( 6) nr 3, s. 68-80.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.6.5

Throughout history people have used colours and hues to create culture. People give the colours a special meaning and significance. Interest in the problems of colour results from the exploration of their psychological and sociological functions, in life, the human work and the desire to rational use of these functions. The article is a theoretical (theoretical attitudes are accompanied by examples), shows the role and functions of colour in the culture and its symbolism. Article is divided into two parts: secular and religious meaning of the symbolism of colour. Summary of the article is an attempt to systematize these functions. Particular attention is paid to the issues shaping the individual and collective identity by means of color, use of color in advertising, the differences in the perception of color in different cultures, as well as the importance of colour and its symbolism in Christianity.

About authors

Krzysztof Jurek

ORCID: (nieznany)

<p>Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, WYDZIAŁ NAUK SPOŁECZNYCH </p> <p>Adresy do korespondencji: Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin</p> Campus Majdanek budynek nr 2, ul. Droga Męczenników Majdanka 70, 20-325 Lublin

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