Strona archiwalna

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Keywords: magazines viral marketing narrativity covers cover topics

KMT 2017 nr 2 Download PDF

Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska

Magazines covers’ topics content and reactions of Polish audiences.

Cite: Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, Treść tematów okładkowych w magazynach a reakcje polskich odbiorców, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2017( 29) nr 2, s. 172-203.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.29.12

This article is a continuation of research on cover topics, displayed on the front cover of magazines. The subject of research is the content of these topics. The main purpose of the analysis is to investigate the reaction of Polish audiences to the content of the covers. Other goals are to present: 1) the impact of demographic categories (gender, age, education and place of residence) on the reception of cover’ topics content; 2) the most popular and least popular cover topics for the representatives of each of these demographic categories. The author verifies the following hypothesis: the selection of cover’ topics content affects the reactions of Polish audience, encouraging or discouraging them to choosing a given magazine. However, the decisions of the customers are connected with above mentioned demographic categories. The foundations of the presented text is quantitative survey, conducted by CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews). It was conducted on September 2-6th 2016 on a nationwide sample of Poles counting N = 1094 people, selected from Ariadna panel.

About authors

Dr Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska

ORCID: 0000-0002-7016-0427


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