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Keywords: corporate identity children visual identification brand marketing media relations science public relations advertising social media school

KMT 2017 nr 3 Download PDF

Danuta Kalinowska

Public relations in shaping the image of polish, public education at the level of primary and secondary schools

Cite: Danuta Kalinowska, Public relations w kształtowaniu wizerunku polskiego publicznego szkolnictwa na poziomie szkół średnich i gimnazjów, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2017( 30) nr 3, s. 122-135.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.30.6

This article aims to discuss issues related to creating the image of the Polish public schools. The analysis covered techniques, tools and communication channels. The basic question that guided meditations taken here, refers to the validity of the same communication, ways of implementation and used for that purpose communication channels. The whole discussion has been set in the framework of theoretical the so-called critical discourse analysis and supported by an analysis of the examples, it is direct real-world communication addressed to parents registered indirect communication with LIBRUS, indirect communication via websites operated by institutions and media information about the school and its activities. The aim of the study is to determine the measures and tools and the means by which public schools in Poland build its image.

About authors

mgr Danuta Kalinowska

ORCID: (nieznany)


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