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Keywords: photography concentraion camp death camp reportage

KMT 2022 nr 4 Download PDF

Words, things, photographs. Organization of the factual layer in Karolina Sulej’s camp reportages

Cite: , Słowa, rzeczy, fotografie. Organizacja warstwy faktograficznej w reportażach obozowych Karoliny Sulej, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2022( 52) nr 4, s. 187-212.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.52.10

The subject of this article is the way the factual layer of Karolina Sulej’s two reportage books is organized and their genological form. The author looks at the everyday life in concentration and extermination camps from the perspective of the presence of personal belongings and clothes. She attributes great rhetorical potential to this materiality, which has its own epistemological, aesthetic, ethical and cultural context. We will consider the experience of the body, the cultural treatments of things and clothes, and describe how clothing communicates time, place, culture, and the human physical and mental condition. We will adopt the methodology of literary studies as our dominant one, which will be supplemented with the contexts of cultural studies, especially interdisciplinary fashion studies and Holocaust studies.

About authors

Joanna Szydłowska

Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie

ORCID: 0000-0002-2038-2283


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