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Keywords: Benedict XVI God Facebook Pope Francis John Paul II Twitter clergy evangelization internet church media science new media social media theology of media

KMT 2015 nr 3 Download PDF

Janusz Chyła

Evangelisation of the Digital Continent

Cite: Janusz Chyła, Ewangelizacja cyfrowego kontynentu, "Kultura - Media - Teologia", 2015( 22) nr 3, s. 67-79.

DOI: 10.21697/kmt.22.5

The way the Church and the Good News should be present in the domain of the mass media, the Internet and online social networking services is one of the most important challenges for the followers of Christ in our days. This article is based on the content of papal addresses on the subject of mediums. Even though the presence of the bearers of the Gospel message on the Net brings with opportunities certain dangers, it is without doubt that it is a necessity of the contemporary times to take part in the buzzing world of the mass media and the virtual community. These spaces could be well paralleled with the ancient Areopagus where just like in the apostolic times the voice of the followers of Christ must be heard. In the article the authors shares some of his own experience in spreading the Good News in using the social networking services.

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Ks. dr Janusz Chyła

ORCID: (nieznany)

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